Positive Behaviour 4 Learning

​​​​​Our Beliefs about Student Behaviour

Our beliefs about student behaviour, discipline and learning unify us and direct our action – the decisions we make, the practices we choose and how we interact with others. The following beliefs reflect current literature in positive behaviour supports.​
  • Guardian Angels’ Primary School plays a vital role in promoting the intellectual, physical, social, emotional, moral and spiritual and aesthetic development and wellbeing of young Australians (Melbourne Declaration).
  • Every day at school, students have opportunities to learn and practice social skills and develop General Capabilities through the curriculum (ACARA).
  • Responsible behaviour can be taught.
  • Student discipline is best achieved through instruction rather than punishments.
  • Student behaviour can be taught using the same strategies used to teach academic.
  • Misbehaviour presents the student with an opportunity to learn, the educator with an opportunity to teach.
  • For behaviour change to occur, we must use positive approaches that strengthen teacher-student relationships.
  • Student discipline is a collaborative effort. In partnership with parents and carers, we are committed to each and every student’s success.
At Guardian Angels, each term,  students are explicitly taught the three school-wide behaviour expectations of:
  • ​Show Respect
  • Be Responsible
  • ​Act Safely

Guardian Angels, in consultation​ with the community, has developed a whole school student support plan which can be found here Guardian Angels' School Student Behaviour Support Plan.pdf