Thank you for your interest in Guardian Angels School Wynnum.
Please follow the link below to complete your child's online application for enrolment. You will be guided through the form, then asked to review your entries, and finally submit the form.
If applying for enrolment for more than one student you will be offered the opportunity to add another application at the end without re-entering much of the information for additional students.
Please contact the school office should you require any assistance completing the online application for enrolment.
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Enrolment Application Process
Enrolment applications for all year levels can be submitted at any time.
After lodging your child's online enrolment application via the link above, you will receive confirmation via email. If you don't receive the confirmation email, please also check your junk/spam folder.
After receiving the confirmation email, please also complete the following:
- Birth Certificate (Original must also be presented at enrolment interview).
- Baptismal Certificate.
- For both parents who are born overseas, provide Australian Passport, Citizenship Certificate, or valid Visa.
- Parish Reference
- Two most recent school reports.
- NAPLAN results (as applicable).
- Any medical or learning reports.
- if noted in your application: Legal Documentation, Medical Action Plan and Student Specialist Assessments .
Please note: Submission of an application does not guarantee an interview or enrolment offer.
Offers are made only when places are available.
After lodging an Enrolment Application, you will receive an email verifying the receipt of your application. Parents will then be contacted and may be invited to attend an enrolment interview. It is important that your child/ren who are enrolling also attend this interview.
Confirmation of Enrolment Process
Offer emails are sent to parents, notifying them of either an enrolment position, or placement on the waiting list. When an enrolment offer is made, parents are required to complete and return an enrolment confirmation form and pay the $100 Confirmation Fee via the button above. This payment is deducted from your Term 1 school fees. This payment is non-refundable if the student's place is confirmed and later declined by the family.
Prep Enrolment Procedure
Children applying for Prep must be born within the specific dates as set down by the Government. Eligible children must turn 5 by 30 June in the year they start Prep or at the end of July with support documentation.
1 July 2020 to 30 June 2021
| 2026
1 July 2021 to 30 June 2022
| 2027
1 July 2022 to 30 June 2023
| 2028
1 July 2023 to 30 June 2024
| 2029 |
- Submit Online Enrolment Application and email supporting documents.
- Pay online application fee of $55 using the BLUE button above.
- Interviews for Prep are conducted by the School Leadership Team during April and May. It is important that your child/ren who are enrolling also attend this interview.
- Offers for places are emailed June. Confirmation of enrolment forms are sent with the offer and must before returned before the end of Term 2 to secure your place.
- Pay online confirmation fee of $100 using the GREEN button above.
- Prep Orientation mornings for parents and students are conducted in October with a whole school orientation morning in late November. All new enrolments are supplied with a welcome pack including booklists and uniform requirements.
Year 1-6 Enrolment Procedure
Year 1-6 enrolments happen across the year as well as intake at the beginning of each new school year. These positions are offered if positions become available through other students leaving. A similar process of application, interview and offer applies if positions are available.
Enrolment Priority
At times it is necessary to limit the intake of students for various reasons. In these circumstances, preference is given in order of the following Categories 1 to 4.
- Category 1. Children who are a sibling of a current student of Guardian Angels' School.
- Category 2. Children who are baptised Catholic.
- Category 3. Children who are baptised, whose family is practicing another faith tradition.
- Category 4. Children who are not baptised and both parents support the philosophy of Catholic Education.
Enrolment Policy Inclusion Support
We welcome children with diverse learning needs. We follow the guidelines of Brisbane Catholic Education to explore the needs of the child and to determine the suitability of the school resources. It is important that all parties agree the resources and environment are compatible.
Before a child with diverse learning needs can be enrolled, the 'Enrolment application and Support Process' under the guidelines of the Brisbane Catholic Education Office must be carried out.
The purpose of such a process is:
- To investigate the needs of the child and
- To determine the suitability of the resources of the school to fit the child's requirements.
It is important to realise that if the needs of the child and the resources of the school are not compatible, neither the individual child nor the school would benefit from such an enrolment.
On acceptance of enrolment application, it is understood that parents comply with the spirit of the school Mission Statement and agree to pay such fees and mandatory levies as set by the local authority.
© Brisbane Catholic Education, Guardian Angels' School (2023)